Distributions and uncertainty
Due by 11:59 PM on Monday, September 18, 2017
Super important note: In the past couple weeks, you’ve probably typed your memo in Word and saved it as a PDF. Starting this week, you will put your memo and homework assignments in the same R Markdown file and e-mail me a Word file or a PDF of the compiled document.
To help you with this, here’s a template to get you started.Your browser will most likely open it as a new tab instead of downloading the file. Either right click on the link and choose “Save link as…” or copy and paste the text into a blank R Markdown file in RStudio.
Open it in RStudio and fill in the blanks.
If you run into problems, check with your classmates or come by my office!
Task 0: Understand Markdown
- Go through the seven short lessons of this Markdown tutorial.This tutorial has you use
s for italics, like_this_
. Markdown also accepts single*
for italics, like*this*
. I prefer writing with asterisks for both*italic*
, but underscores work just fine too—it’s a matter of personal preference. Similarly, the tutorial uses asterisks for lists. Markdown will also accept dashes.
- Read through this RMarkdown tutorial to see how you embed chunks of R code in a Markdown document and knit that document into different output formats like HTML, Word, and PDF.There are lots of R Markdown files in the wild, like R for Data Science and even this website. Check the links to see what the R Markdown source looks like.
Task 1: Reflection memo
Write a 500-word memo about the assigned readings for this week. You can use some of the prompt questions there if you want. As you write the memo, also consider these central questions:
- How do these readings connect to our main goal of discovering truth?
- How does what I just read apply to me?
- How can this be useful to me?
Task 2: R and ggplot2
Read Chapter 3 of R for Data Science and complete the following exercises: